Hello here is a slide about heart attacks and all information I know.
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 8 and in 2021 I will be a year 9. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Monday, 7 December 2020
Tuesday, 1 December 2020
dry ice
Friday, 6 November 2020
Hello I am doing this blog post to explain about gravity and doing the question that my teacher have given me too do.
Question 1: Is gravity the same on all planets? No because some of the planets are made out of gas and some are so big and some that are so small that smaller planets has low gravity and big planets has a lot of gravity.
Question 2: How does gravity relate to mass? If you don't know what mass means it means how big is something, gravity relate to mass because the size of a plant means the high the gravity so the size of the plant means the different power of the gravity.
Question 3: Calculate 30 kg on the other plants in our solar system. On Jupiter you 30 kg can turn into 70.2 kg and on Mercury it turn into 11.3 kg and if you are on a lower gravity planet your body will full a part. Here is a link to the site were I found this information
Question 4: How would your life be if you were on a different planet with higher gravity or lower gravity? It would be hard to run and swim with higher gravity and with lower gravity it will be hard walk or jump because you will jump really high and it would be easier to climb up stuff and the hard thing is about higher gravity is it will be hard to make shelter because the gravity will crash you shelter.
Question 5: What would happen if you try to land on Jupiter? If you try you will not hit rocks at all because Jupiter is a gas planet a gas planet when the planet is made out of gas and the gravity is so strong that you space ship can not go up and with the wind on that plane you can not stay straight and the gravity will get stronger when you get closer to the centre and when you get closer to the centre it will get hotter and hotter soon it can get up to 11,000 degrees at the Centre.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
about a leaf
A leaf has a lot of thing they can collect sun light and when the tree mixes water and sun light together it makes sugar but not normal sugar this sugar is food for the trees. Here is a photo of leafs and there parts.
Me and my team mate made this and it taken a bit to draw them.
Sorry about the photo is sideways.
Friday, 16 October 2020
three different types of communication
Here is a little video made on powtoon about three different types of communication I hope you like it.
powtoonThursday, 15 October 2020
every thing I know about gold mining
All I know about gold mining is they have support pillars holding the mine up and they have tracks for the carts to wheel them up and down the track so they can move the stones and the gold, the people that are mining are wearing a helmet that has a flash light on it and the hat can protect you for any falling rocks for the top of the mine. Some time they get some dynamite and make a big hole for more mining. There are generators that give you power in the mine.
Discrimination mean's when there are a lot of people on a bus going on but he does not let you on because you are a different colour it is like racism.
I am going to make another blog posts but I'm going to have more information to write about.
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Friday, 25 September 2020
research about daylight saving in NZ
This blog post is about daylight saving research and here is the question my teacher gave me.
Question 1
When does Daylight Saving happen each year in New Zealand?
It start's each year and last sunday 2am September and it ends on at 3am on the first sunday of April.
Question 2
What year did it start in NZ?
Because there were a lot of farmer back then.
Question 3
Why was Daylight Saving started? Write at least 2 sentences to answer this question.
Farmers could have more time working at night.
Because there were a lot of farmer back then.
Question 4
Read the following article and write a paragraph (3-8 sentences) on whether or not you think that Daylight Saving should continue in New Zealand.
It should not continue because everyone hates it because we wake up early, This is what happened to me, I go to bed and it takes forever for me to go to sleep. When I do I wake up early because of the sun it is so annoying.
Question 5
Do all the states in Australia have Daylight Saving? Who does and who doesn’t?
In Australia, Daylight saving is observed in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory and Norfolk Island. Daylight saving is not observed in Queensland, the Northern Territory, Western Australia, Christmas Island or the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
Question 6
Write 3 tips to help others adjust to Daylight Saving this weekend.
Tip 1: Go to bed early.
Tip 2: get your clock ready.
tip 3: Stay warm at cold nights.
Thursday, 24 September 2020
market day at school
Hello I am doing this blog post about market day on Wednesday September 23th.
When school started we all got ready for the market, I got my team product down from up stairs and the rest of my team got our table and poster set up, then we all got the product on the table and some chairs so we can sit down well we wait.
About a hour in I start to get sun burn so I ask one of my team member to take over so I can get some sun cream on for the burns and then I walked around and buy something and I buy rock art that had a spider on it, a drink because it was a hot day and did one of the games and it was to grab a plat of shaving cream or whip cream and then hit it on the person on the face and is was so funny I made all the people around me laugh.
My favourite part of the market day was with the shaving cream on the plat and on the person face.
I only bring $10 for the market day and that was not enough because there were so many thing I got not see them all before I ran out of money.
The next market day I will not do because I will not me year 7,8,9 because it is couple years until the next market day but if I was I wound ask for more time to get everything done for market day because my group barely had enough time.
At market day we made $33.50 at market day and our profit is $19.48.
My team product cost $3.50 and how much it cost to make them all was $19.48, We buyed Kiwi garden potting mix plus 30L, Kiwi garden sweet peas show mix and string.
This is me and Jamie at our stand.
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
healthy me what i have for the day.
Hello here is a sheet that can show you what is what and what I have.
Your Task: Create a meal plan for 1 day that includes all the necessary amounts for each of the 4 Food Groups
Vegetables + Fruit - at least 3 servings of vege and 2 servings of fruit every day
Grain foods - 6 servings each day (check portion sizes)
Milk/Milk products - 2 servings
Legumes/Nuts/Seeds/Fish/Seafood/Eggs/Poultry/Meat etc. - 2 servings
When you have created your meal plan, please highlight each food based on the colours provided above. This will help us clearly see where each of the food groups has fit in. Remember, you want each meal to be a balanced plate.
Bonus research: how many glasses of water should we have each day? Fit this into your meal plan.
Breakfast | I had two eggs and two toast water. |
Lunch | I have two apples and a jam sandwich water. |
Snack | banana |
Dinner | Broccoli carrots air fried chips and stack water. |
Water | How many servings per day? 4 litres a day of water How do you think you could fit these in besides just at meal times?
morse code
Hello people I am doing this blog post because we have to send a message with Morse code and here is a challenge for you if you work this Morse code message you are smart.
--. --- --- -.. / .-.. ..- -.-. -.- / .-- --- .-. -.- .. -. --. / - .... .. ... / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / --- ..- - / -.. --- -. .----. - / - .-. -.-- / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / .-- --- .-. -.- / .. - / --- ..- - / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / ... -- .- .-. -
1. Mission to Mars only can happen every 26 month and that is when the two planets are align.
2. Iron oxide and it is some time calls the red plant it's got polar ice caps.
3. NESA has a machine that can turn carbon dioxide into oxygen.
4. They can get bit of the polar ice caps and melt it into water or drink there own pee.
5. They can bering potato and soil to grow potato plant and get food or they can send supply ships to them for food.
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
hero and villain story
Hello I am doing a blog post about the school work I have to do, here is my story and the villain art I draw badly. My favourite part is drawing the characters.
On the news there were 2 banks on fire and the police chasing after these cars
that have people with firearms in them and they were shouting back at the police
and one of them said, ‘You will not get a leader Jeff.’ He was shot because he said
the leader's name,
Jeff is wearing bullet proof armour under his full black outfit. His mask is cracked
down the side of his face. He has brown hair and a scar on his face no one knows
his age. He is a guy that robbed 4 banks and got away.
Then we have Johnny the pilot of the F-16 fighting falcon. He looked at the engine
and he was impressed with the job the engineer did and he said, ‘Good job dude.’
Johnny is 25 years old and his hair colour is blonde, he wears a pilot suit and
has no scars. He is a funny guy and he is the driver of the F-16 fighting falcon.
Johnny was sent to the office and he said, ‘ Why am I being sent to the office?
Ok, let’s go.’
When He got there he was told that he had to be one of the bombers in the
group and that the group of planes had to blow up a couple buildings in a school
to the south of the air base and he had agreed to the mission.
He got ready for the flight. He got his plane filled up and got the bombs loaded and
then he was ready for the ten minute flight to the school.
They are there. They went over to see what’s down there and then one of the
planes was shot down. They broke formation, Johnny boy saw anti aircraft guns,
then he said, “ Look out, there are anti aircraft guns!” then another plane was shot
down and there were 4 planes left. One of the pilots saw one of the guns reloading
and then he dropped his bombs on it but he was shot down after he dropped his
bombs. Only 3 planes left and only 2 guns left. The 2 guns started reloading
and the plane didn't have bombs so they flew into the guns and before they did,
they said goodbye. Only Johnny boy was left so he completed the mission when
he bombed the ammo and Jeff.
Johnny Boy got a medal but when they were rebuilding the school, one of the
builders was killed by Jeff. He had survived but he was caught by the police
and was sent to prison for the rest of his life.
The end. The first one is Jeff and the second
one is the hero Johnny.
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Hello i am doing a script for drama here it is.
Can I talk like a pirate? Ay, matie! Avast! Ahoy! Aye-aye, I can! Shiver me timbers! I can talk like a pirate better than any lily-livered, jelly-legged sea-goer that ever there once was! I says whatever I’ve got to say in a pirate way and if any bilge-sucking buccaneer says I don’t, I’ll cleave him to the brisket! I swear on Davy Jones’ Locker, to be a true blue pirate you’ve got to be able to load a cannon and fire it- but most important you’ve got to talk like a pirate!
my pirate act like a dude that is drunk and is the age of 25 he is happy and he all was have his thought on gold.
Monday, 24 August 2020
Diary of Anne Frank
Hello I am going to talk about the diary of Anne Frank. We finished reading the diary in my class. We have a lot of interesting information about World War 2 and the main characters who were Jews. Because of that they want into hiding because Hitler wanted to kill them or make them to do slave work.
In hiding they have to be really quiet and if they were found, Hitler soldiers will go and kill or capture them. That is why they are in hiding so nothing bad happens but it is a big risk to be in hiding.
Anne's diary was a gift for her family before Hitler want to get rid of all the Jews and Anne named the diary Kitty so she think that she's talking to someone and made the book her friend.
The war started because the Jews got help for the Allied forces and fort back Hitler's men so the Jews got to live in pace.
Friday, 14 August 2020
Speech work
Today i have finished my speech and the video i sound like a baby. here is my speech and video.
Hello I'm Jayden and I am going to talk about nuclear power plants and how they work and if one blows
There are 440 nuclear power plants in the world. The United States has the most nuclear plants.
Nuclear power plants can make around 1 gigawatt a year. 1 gigawatt can power 725,000 homes.
Nuclear power plants use uranium as fuel they cut it up into pill pallets and then into the control rods.
(The control rods will give you control of the reactor temperature if there are no control rods.
(The temperature gets too hot and then it blows up) When the reactor gets to a high enough
temperature (The reactor holds the control rods inside of it and it boils water but it does not
evaporate) It will boil the water and then the water will not turn into steam it will go into the
steam generator (The steam generator is when hot water go into it will turn the water into steam)
Then the steam will spin the turbine and the turbine will spin the generator and then it will create
power and the extra steam will go out of the cooling tower(Cooling towers is when extra steam will
go into the air to become clouds).
If the nuclear power plant blows up the city or town will have to be deserted. The nuclear power plant
blows up the radiation and will stay there for 20,000 years. There is a city that had a nuclear power
plant blown up and the people working there decided to not tell the citizens to evacuate and around
30 people died. This disaster was called the Chernobyl Accident.
Australia has nuclear power plants. That's really unexpecting for Australia having a nuclear power
plant. they don’t use that for power they use it for OPAL research and to get nuclear medicine.
NZ used to have a nuclear power plant.
WHy/why not?
New Zealand got rid of their nuclear power plant to be a nuclear power plant free country.
In Australia they are not using nuclear power plants for power.
Nuclear power plants are just like turning heat into energy.
Monday, 10 August 2020
Some ways to calm down.
*Deep breaths
*If you have a punching bag use your anger on that.
Some ways to not be angry.
*Ignore it
*if they call you something mean you just say thank you and they will not get the reaction they want.
*smile add them and they will not have your reaction and they will not do it again.
Friday, 31 July 2020
compliment sheet
On my one I have 18 compliments.
All of the compliments are warm hearted and kind and some are better then I would of expected. When I read the compliments about me i felt proud.
I also wrote some good compliments for other people in my class. I felt happy and proud of myself that I could tell them what I felt about them in a positive way.
Some people wrote I was kind, nice, helpful and more than one of them say that I am a great friend and funny.
Here is my compliment sheet.
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Pirate: Can I talk like a pirate? Ay, matie! Avast! Ahoy! Aye-aye, I can! Shiver me timbers! I can talk like a pirate better than any lily-livered, jelly-legged sea-goer that ever there once was! I says whatever I’ve got to say in a pirate way and if any bilge-sucking buccaneer says I don’t, I’ll cleave him to the brisket! I swear on Davy Jones’ Locker, to be a true blue pirate you’ve got to be able to load a cannon and fire it- but most important you’ve got to talk like a pirate!
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Social studies
Here is my summary I did for Aotearoa history Show episode 6.
and he believed it and there land were there's.
land deals.
so the British killed Voxta.
“it is a murder to kill our people children and kind.
Village he killed 60 people and when the Maori ambushed him they killed 120
of Te Kote men and the leftover men left him.
Te Toku Ware did not wanted to be in the war but to you the fighting genius.
Thursday, 18 June 2020
Thursday, 11 June 2020
science beef jerky
In class we have made beef jerky.
My one looks like it is going to full of the string.
This is the step of what i did.
- Get all of the ingredients and equipment.
- Cut the steak one cm thick.
- Pinch a little bit of salt on one side of the meat.
- Flip it around and then pinch a little bit of salt on that side.
- Hang it up on a string line with a peg.
- Wait 3 days.
- Done!!!
- Eat it.

Monday, 11 May 2020
reading work
the cover of a book in your way this is my way for
this book.
Friday, 13 March 2020
- 10.5cm
- 11.5cm
- 7.5cm
- 6.5cm
- 9.5cm
- 10cm
- 4cm
- 13.5cm
- 8 cm
- 2.5cm
- 12.5cm
- 11cm
- 7cm
- 3cm
- 6cm
- 12.5cm
- 2.5cm
- 5.5cm
- 3 cm
- 10.5cm
Tuesday, 3 March 2020
Art & Poetry
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Today we are doing inference. Inference is like what is in a picture and you predict what happens next in the picture and I did IMMINENT.
- Where did it come from? The people carved out of the mountain.
- Have the people in the village seen the rock sphere? Yes they have because it is big and it is on the mountain.
- What might they be thinking/saying/doing? Role plays the scene in the village – consider your character and how they would react (policeman, farmer, child, journalist/reporter, priest…). This is a child reaction. my mouth is open and surprised.
- What do you think is going to happen next? The rock ball will destroy the town.
Monday, 17 February 2020
year 8 wananga goal setting
and to have a great time at Hornby High school.
Name: Jayden
Class: 8/al
Term: 1
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Greatest achievement from last year:
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Being on tasks.
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Subjects taken this term:
| ||||
Hurumanu: 2/4/5
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2 Speaking my truth.
| |||
4 Poetic arts.
| |||
5 Fastest + farthest.
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Technology: Soft materials.
| ||||
Language: Maori.
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Academic Goals
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Short term (this term):
| ||||
Have good grades.
| |||
Listen to people.
| |||
Long Term (whole year):
| ||||
Improve my grades.
| ||||
Non-academic goal (can be out of school):
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Get sleep.
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What are my learning strengths
What are my learning work ons
| |||
I complete my work in the time I'm given.
I can manage myself online .
I listen to understand people's ideas and opinions.
I understand and respect my own, my peers, and my school’s culture.
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What will my next steps be?
| ||||
I can improve my listening to everyone around me by staying focused.
I can improve my understanding of my school culture by respect the people and school.
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How will I achieve this?
| ||||
By staying on task all the time and don't be silly to anyone.
If I stay focused all the time I can always complete my work in the time I am given.
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End of term reflection
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