The charlesworth reserve is named this because there was a person who came to christchurch from england and his name was captain william charlesworth who retired from being a ship captain and became a farmer. Capt Charlesworth brought a lot of land and he was the first man to buy that land. He turned the wetlands into a farm the reserve is named after him because he was the first person to buy this land other than the maoris who owned it before him.
here is some infomation from a website
“This 20 ha of land, separated from the estuary by Linwood Ave and Humphries Drive, was drained in the 1920s and used as pasture. Restoration began in 1991, when paddocks were cleared and planted, and tidal pools were re-created.
The reserve is comprised of a tidal basin with surrounding saltmeadow, saltmarsh, coastal shrubland and coastal bush. Its role is to provide nesting, roosting and feeding habitat for native and migratory birds, as well as provide habitat for fish, estuarine marine life, lizards and terrestrial invertebrates.
The space is also a valuable recreational area for the local community. Seats at viewing points overlook the pools which are a hotspot for wetland and wading birds, including the migratory bar-tailed godwit/kuaka.”
"Over 100,000 trees, shrubs and marsh plants have now been planted at this site and volunteers play a major role in caring for these.
Charlesworth Reserve is being actively restored by the Avon-Heathcote Ihutai Estuary Trust(external link), with support from Trees for Canterbury(external link), who donate and assist the planting of native vegetation. "

Where was the charlesworth reserve? It is in Christchurch.
Why is it important for me? Because trees eat carbon dioxide and I want to live whole live.
What was the place he was buried when he died? He was buried at woolston.
When/where born/die? He was born 1814 died at 1875.
Why that spot is named after him? Because he owns a lot of land and he was the first man to own that land.
Where was he born? He was born in England.
The name of the ship Captain william charlesworth arrived on the Brothers
We are planting 4 different type of plants here are the 4 plants
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